Monday, June 29, 2009

Day Thirteen

Today is the day everybody had been looking forward to, the hike day. Well, not everyone but some of us were excited. We woke up and had a small breakfast and then headed to the bus; we had a two hour bus ride. They told us during breakfast to take dramamine if you get car sick but I rarely get car sick, so I blew it off. The beginning of the bus ride was not bad at all, but after about 45 minutes, we hit the mountains and were doing u-turn after u-turn around the mountains. It was then I wished I had taken the dramamine. I fell asleep to avoid getting sick and woke up just as we were arriving at the destination. We all get together and head for the start of the trail. Davin, Shelby, Avery, Brandon, Connor, and I all made it to the trail and we looked back to see where the rest of the group was and there was no one in sight. Shelby and I ran back to see if we saw them, and it was a ghost town. It was mind boggling, we had no idea what could have happened to them.  We spent an hour and a half roaming the town looking for them, finally deciding to just go ahead and do the hike so we could go swimming in the swimming holes that were supposed to be awesome. The hike down was easy and the swimming hole was even better. We all jumped into the freezing water and walked around the rocks for a while. The whole time I was thinking what on earth the other group was doing at the time. After we had had enough cold water, we hiked back up the trail to the town for some lunch and to see if maybe the other group has possibly appeared. Still, no group members, but we did get a good lunch. We make it to the bus, with still no clue where the other group is and sit down to wait. Finally, the bus driver came to Davin and said that Megan was on the phone.  You wouldn't believe where they ended up. They were in a completely different town. Apparently, we lost them because they took the other direction in the fork in the road. We get on the bus and make our way to town below us and pick up the crew. We all shared our different experiences and how funny it was that we both thought each group was doomed. The drive back was not bad at all because I took dramamine and passed out. We are back at the hostal now and we are having dinner in an hour, finally a normal dinner time, those 10 pm dinners are not fun. Later tonight, the teachers have a photography event planned for us, but I'm not sure what it is. Other than getting split up for the hike, I have to say it was an awesome experience and I'm glad we went ahead and did the hike. 


  1. hahah seth...I miss you clark!! Make sure you keep your backpack frontways so nothing gets stolen..
